When I diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 8 years ago, I couldn't believe my self because I did not have any genetic background. I did the test again next day. There were no changes in results.
My Dr. prescribed the Metformin for me. I was little hesitant to start the medication, but the Dr. insisted that just use for a short period to get the blood sugar levels in control and suggested to attend the diabetic informative classes and suggested to know more about it.
I purchased LifeScan's OneTouch Ultra meter. It was awful to poke my fingers three times a day to check the blood sugar levels. This meter works great, simple to use, get the results within seconds and reliable. Touch wood, the meter works great even after 8 years of service. I highly recommend this for those who want to monitor their blood sugar levels at home.
It’s hard to digest having diabetes as a matter of fact hard to digest any health conditions. On top of it, medications and its side effects caused lot of discomfort (Metformin's common side effects gastrointestinal upset, cramps and nausea). In addition to the my medication, I started avoiding direct sugars, deserts, fruits and most importantly start going to the gym. Soon, my sugar levels started to be in control and eventually my body got used to Metformin and its side effect.
After year or so, when I did my scheduled lab test, my Dr. notified me that I have high cholesterol too and started medication for that as well. After discussing it with my Dr., I felt it like a ‘buy on get one free’ sale. Once diagnosed with diabetes, soon it will be followed by cholesterol.
I noticed that for a common person the LDL should be between 100 and 129, whereas for a person with diabetes the LDL should be below 100 because the diabetic patients are considered high risk of heart deceases.
I totally frustrated with my diabetic and cholesterol medications, so discussed the issue with extended families and friends. Every one suggested various remedies (which I am going to discuss here in my upcoming posts). Most popularly suggested remedy was to use the Fenugreek / Methi seeds / Menthulu and it’s by products.
I tried each and every remedy one after the other. I observed the best things that I liked and the things that are suited to my body. Now I follow mix and match of the ingredients I like the best and change the pattern when I get bored. It seems to working fine form me. BTW, remedies I am talking are nothing but food habits with those special ingredients.
Now my blood glucose levels are in control with life style changes (without any medications, but by just following proper diet and exercise). I still use the OneTouch meter to check levels once a week and do the lab tests once every three months.
Thanks to my wife who takes care of me and insist on a proper diet and workout for me, without her help, I couldn’t have done it.